Esophageal perforation
Updates to Case Attributes
Iatrogenic reasons are the most common causecauses (e.g. endoscopy) of oesophageal perforation are most the common.
-<p>Iatrogenic reasons are the most common cause of oesophageal perforation. </p>- +<p>Iatrogenic causes (e.g. endoscopy) of oesophageal perforation are most the common. </p>
Updates to Study Attributes
There is a large mediastinal collection of air and contrast in the left side of the distal oesophagus in the posterior mediastinum that measures 8.5 cm in craniocaudal extent and 3.3 cm in width.
Several portions of the adjacent oesophageal wall appear dehiscent and oesophagus is diffusely thickened.This This collection does not extend into the abdomen.
There is a moderate loculated left pleural effusion and a small right pleural effusion.
In the lungs, there is extensive ground-glass opacity and cystic change in both upper lobes as well as in the right middle lobe, suspicious for pneumonitis on a background of emphysema.There There is a pericardial effusion and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.
Posterior mediastinal oesophageal perforation.