Olecranon bursitis - othopedic hardware related

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Pain in the left posterior elbow region for the last few days. Past history of intramedullary nail fixation across radius and ulna fractures about 4 years back.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

There is an echogenic line projecting from the ulnar olecranon process. It causes a reverberation artifact. It is the proximal end of the intramedullary nail inserted for the ulna fracture fixation. There is an encapsulated fluid around this nail tip. The triceps tendon is normal.

Case Discussion

The case shows olecranon bursitis caused by an intramedullary nail tip. The ulnar intramedullary nail was removed. There was no pus in the bursa.

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