Patient Data

Pointed bony projection at posterior edge of superior surface of olecranon process, at the insertion point of triceps.
No fracture across the bony projection itsefl. No soft tissue swelling or calcification.
Irregular lucent line across tip of olecranon, which is suspicious of fracture.
Case Discussion
Olecranon spur is mostly a consequence of localized tendinopathy or bursitis.
Due to its position, the spur is vulnerable to fracture, and x-ray reporting should carefully scrutinise for it. Also to be noted are presence of swelling or calcification in surrounding soft tissue, which would indicate acute or chronic inflammatory response, respectively.
Acute stage of pain, tenderness and swelling are managed by analgesics, warm compression, soft pillows etc. Definitive treatment is surgical excision, which can be done arthroscopically.