Assaulted. Two punches to left eye. Tender left zygoma, "watery blood" coming from nose. Proptosis of left eye with reduced acuity to hand movements and RAPD on the left.
Patient Data

Multiple facial fractures:
- displaced fracture of the left zygomatic arch
- diastasis of the left frontozygomatic suture
- inferior wall of the left orbit
- left anterior maxillary antrum
Opacification of the left maxillary sinus. No mandibular fractures.

See CT head report for soft tissue findings.
No skull base fracture.
Multiple facial fractures:
- two minimally displaced fractures of the left zygomatic arch
- displaced fractures of the medial, anterior and lateral walls of the left maxillary sinus
- displaced fractures of the medial, lateral and inferior orbital margins
- multiple nasal bridge fractures
- cribriform plate appears intact

See facial bone CT for report on fractures.
Main finding is 27mm acute hematoma within the inferior left retro-orbital space extending into the left maxillary sinus causing superior, lateral and anterior displacement of the globe. The inferior rectus muscle is not clearly visualized. Optic nerve appears to be intact.
The left maxillary sinus is filled with blood.
No intra-cranial injury.
Soft tissue swelling with flecks of gas in the tissues.
Case Discussion
This patient had an emergency lateral canthotomy performed by the ophthalmogists to preserve vision in his left eye as there was concern about optic nerve compression. His fractures were managed by the maxillofacial surgeons.
Many thanks to the patient for his consent to use these images for teaching purposes.