Swollen left eye.
Patient Data

Left-sided pre-septal soft tissue swelling and subcutaneous inflammatory change are noted.
A thin elliptical subperiosteal collection in the left medial extra-conal space adjacent to the lamina papyracea is visible.
Suspicious erosion/ destruction of the left lamina papyracea is detected.
Mild left-sided proptosis is present.
The left maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses are opacified with fluid.
No intracranial extension of abscess is notable.
Case Discussion
This case shows the typical subperiosteal abscess of the orbit, which warrants prompt treatment to prevent any threat to vision.
Periorbital cellulitis is treated with oral antibiotics. Orbital cellulitis is treated with intravenous antibiotics. However, if a subperiosteal abscess is present, surgical drainage may be necessary.