Acute pain with blurring vision in right eye immediately after pounding a metal object with a metal chisel.
Patient Data

Small echogenic foreign body within the inferior wall of the globe with a twinkling artifact on colour flow Doppler. Echogenic material within the vitreous chamber, mobile with the extraocular movements of the globe in keeping with a vitreous haemorrhage.

The CT scan confirms the presence of a metallic foreign body within the inferior wall of the globe producing streak artifacts with an ill-defined mildly hyperdense area in the posterior chamber suggestive of vitreous haemorrhage.
Normal appearance of the extraocular muscles, optic nerves and left ocular globe.
Peripheral mucosal thickening of the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses with partial opacification of the ethmoid air cells.
Case Discussion
Ultrasound and CT features of a metallic foreign body within the inferior wall of the right globe with a vitreous haemorrhage.