Orbital infection, optic neuritis and cavernous sinus thrombosis complicating a purulent sinusitis

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis probable


Left exophthalmos with painful periorbital swelling.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

The MRI sequences demonstrate:

  • opacification of the left ethmoid cells with peripheral mucosal thikening of the left maxillary and sphenoid sinuses. Gas-fluid level within the maxillary sinus with peripheral mucosal enhancement
  • left proptosis grade I with oedematous infiltration and enhancement of the periorbital soft tissues
  • Inflammatory stranding of the intraconal fat mainly around the optic nerve and internal quadrants with enhancement in keeping with a postseptal orbital cellulitis
  • swelling with enhancement of the retrobulbar intra-orbital segment of the optic nerve and surrounding nerve sheath in keeping with optic neuritis
  • the left cavernous sinus is moderately distended with area of filling defect indicating probably thrombosis
  • swelling with enhancement of the orbital muscles

Case Discussion

MRI features are suggestive of purulent sinsusitis complicated by orbital infection (pre-and postseptal cellulitis) with optic neuritis and cavernous sinus thrombosis.


Additional contributor: Assoc Prof MF Rougui, head of ophthalmology department, CHU Benflis, Batna

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