Osteochondral fracture - talus

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Pain and swelling at anterolateral aspect of the left ankle. History of the left ankle trauma 2 weeks age.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Left ankle


Oblique linear lucency is noted at the lateral aspect dome of the talus with intact cortical outline.

Left ankle


Non-displaced osteochondral fracture is noted at the lateral part of left talar dome with extensive surrounding marrow oedema.

Also noted, moderate marrow oedema at the lateral part of distal left tibia with related subchondral oblique fracture.

Mild left tibiotalar joint effusion is noted.

Case Discussion

This case shows a non-displaced osteochondral fracture at the lateral part of left talar dome with bone marrow contusion at distal left tibia with related subchondral fracture. Almost always lesions at the lateral aspect of the talar dome are due to trauma. This is considered an osteochondral injury grade III according to Berndt and Harty classification.

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