Fever and diarrhea. Clinical history of acute promyelocytic leukemia
Patient Data
Left ovarian teratoma, characterized by a fat-fluid level, a central Rokitansky nodule and calcification.
Curiously, the CT imaging appearance of the teratoma can be associated, with a little imagination, with a "Poké Ball".
Authors of this case are: Dr. Dario Giambelluca, Dr. Fabio Cannizzaro, Dr. Massimiliano Lenzo.
Case Discussion
Ovarian teratomas are usually asymptomatic and often discovered incidentally. CT images demonstrate the typical radiological finding of mature cystic teratoma: fat-fluid level, calcification, and Rokitansky protuberance. The mass has a maximum diameter of less than 10 cm and regular borders, indicative of benignity.
"Pareidolia" is the phenomenon of perceiving a stimulus (like an image) in random everyday objects or a familiar pattern of something. In this case, the ovarian teratoma can be compared to a "Poké Ball". Fatehi el at has suggested it as a useful method of recognizing radiologic patterns that aid in memorization and improve general diagnostic skills 1.