Purulent discharge from the right eye with pain and extensive orbital and periorbital oedema. An intraocular lens implant was performed on the same side one year ago.
Patient Data
Age: 90 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Panophthalmitis complicated by optic neuritis


The MRI sequences demonstrate:
- areas within the vitreous chamber of the right globe of intermediate signal on T1, intermediate to high signal on FLAIR/T2 with no enhancement, representing most likely vitreal exudates
- diffuse smooth uveal/scleral thickening with enhancement
- retinal detachment
- swelling with enhancement of the retrobulbar intra-orbital segment of the optic nerve and surrounding nerve sheath (optic neuritis)
- extensive intraorbital/peribulbar fat stranding with enhancement
- abnormal swelling with enhancement of the orbital muscles
- oedematous infiltration with enhancement of the periorbital soft tissues
- the cavernous sinuses are patent
Note a slow flow within the left transverse/sigmoid sinuses and internal jugular vein mimicking thrombosis. Their patency is confirmed on enhanced sequences.
Case Discussion
MRI features are most consistent with a right panophthalmitis with associated optic neuritis