Patellar tendinosis

Case contributed by Pavan Borra
Diagnosis certain


Knee joint pain for 6 months following trauma.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

The patellar tendon is diffusely thickened from pre-patellar region to its tibial attachment. Hyperintense T1/T2/PD fat sat intrasubstance signal changes within the thickened patellar tendon. AP diameter of the patellar tendon is about 14 mm. Posterior margin of the tendon is convex. No reactive bony changes noted in the patella.

Case Discussion

Increased AP diameter with intra-substance T2 hyperintense signal changes and indistinct posterior margin are diagnostic of patellar tendinosis. The AP diameter of a normal patellar tendon is <7 mm.

Proximal patellar tendon involvement with reactive marrow changes of the bony patella is seen in jumper's knee.

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