Pre-employment check up.
Patient Data
Both lungs are generally clear. Both costophrenic recesses are clear. Straightening of both heart borders is noted with prominent right pericardial fat pad . No evidence of pneumothorax on either side. Visualized bony skeleton is unremarkable.
Increased amount of fat in right as well as left cardiophrenic regions. A few flecks of calcifications are also appreciable in the pericardial fat. A few subcentimeter insignificant mediastinal lymph nodes are seen. A few subsegmental atelectatic bands are seen in left lower lobe. No suspicious pulmonary mass or nodularity is seen. No pleural/pericardial effusion or pneumothorax/pneumomediastinum is seen. Morphology of the rib cage is unremarkable.
Case Discussion
Main differential diagnoses for the chest radiograph is right pericardial fat pad or right pericardial cyst.
The chest CT scan confirms the right sided pericardial fat pad and obviously detects the left pericardial fat pad, which was not clearly seen in the radiograph.