Pneumoperitoneum related to intestinal perforation.

Case contributed by Hala Maher
Diagnosis certain


11 days old baby girl came to ER with persistent vomiting and soft abdomen. Poor intake and severely dehydrated.

Patient Data

Age: 11 days
Gender: Female

Inital series


AP view showing upper abdomen lucency with radio opaque vertically orientated line in the right upper abdomen falciform ligament sign.

Lateral decubitus view with large amount of air is seen in the left side of the abdomen not conforming the shape of bowel loops suggestive of pneumoperitoneum.

Also visualisation of inner and outer bowel wall noted (Rigler's sign)

Postoperative series


Status post operative with Right hemicolectomy and intestinal perforation repair with normal intestinal gas distribution ,no free intra peritoneal air.

Case Discussion

A case of new born female with pneumoperitoneum related to Intestinal perforation .

Plain X ray before and after surgery showing upper abdomen lucency with radio opaque vertically orientated line in the right upper abdomen falciform ligament sign that disappeared in the post operative films after extended right hemi colectomy was done with intestinal repair surgery.

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