Seizures and left lower limb weakness.
Patient Data
The right cerebral hemisphere is small compared to the left side, showing abnormal sulcation and dysmorphic cortex. There is right perisylvian polymicrogyria evident by deep infoldings and abnormal thickening of the cortex involving the right superolateral frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. There is relative smaller size of the right caudate nucleus with ex-vacuo dilatation of frontal and occipital horns of the right lateral ventricle. Incidental cavum septum pellucidum and verge.
Case Discussion
Polymicrogyria is a cortical developmental malformation that the process of normal cortical development is disrupted during the late stages of neuronal migration and cortical organization. Clinically, Patients with polymicrogyria may present with developmental delay, focal neurologic deficit, or epilepsy, depending on the part of the brain involved.
Dr. Farhad Farzam has also contributed to this case.