Trauma to anterior knee - about 4 - 5 wks back. C/o local swelling. No pain.
Patient Data

There is reduction of medial femoro-tibial compartment with osteophytes from periarticular surface of femur, tibia and patella.
There is intra-medullary nail in visualized femur length. ( History of Surgery done many yrs back ).
There is quadriceps enthesophyte.
There is pre-patellar soft tissue swelling.

USG was done mainly for pre-patellar swelling.
There is pre-patellar fluid collection with septa. It is compressible. Perifocal hypervascularity is noted.
Quadriceps and patellar tendons were normal.
There was no supra-patellar joint effusion.
On medial side of knee, coronal view shows osteophytes from femur and tibia. Medial meniscus is extruded from joint.
Case Discussion
Findings of post-traumatic pre-patellar bursitis. There is a case of degenerative joint disease showing extruded meniscus.