One week of left leg weakness.
Patient Data
Within the spinal canal at T9 (counting from above), is a slightly hyperintense on T1, iso-intense on T2 intensely enhancing extra medullary intra dural mass measuring 10 x 13 x 16 mm in orthogonal planes. The lesion displaces the spinal cord towards the right with complete effacement of the CSF signal at this level and significant cord compression (minimal diameter of the cord reduced to 2-3mm). Despite this no abnormal cord signal is definitely identified. This is the solitary abnormality identified within the imaged spinal canal.
The patient went on to have a laminectomy and resection.
The paraffin sections show fragments of a moderately hypercellular meningioma with a well developed syncytial architecture. Moderate numbers of calcified psammoma bodies are also noted. Tumor cells have uniform nuclear features. No mitotic figures or areas of necrosis are identified.
DIAGNOSIS: Psammomatous meningioma (WHO Grade I)
Case Discussion
Typical appearances of of a small spinal meningioma.