Pulmonary embolism of vertebroplasty acrylic cement

Case contributed by Jonas Anužis
Diagnosis certain


Weakness and shortness of breath. Recent back pain and treated lumbar fracture.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

Lumbar vertebroplasty


Pre-procedure x-rays demonstrate a fracture of the L5 vertebral body (symptomatic) with pre-existing asymptomatic compression fractures of other lumbar vertebrae. 

Post-vertebroplasty of L5.

Post-vertebroplasty supine chest film shows extremely dense vascular markings in both lungs, compatible with the vertebroplasty acrylic cement.

Post-vertebroplasty erect chest films shows extremely dense vascular markings in both lungs, compatible with the vertebroplasty acrylic cement.

Case Discussion

Upon further interrogation of the patient's medical record, it became apparent that they had suffered from a L5 vertebra crush fracture two months earlier and underwent vertebroplasty complicated by pulmonary embolism caused by the vertebroplasty acrylic cement. 

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