Right pelvic pain and fever (temperature at 38.8 °C), leucocytosis at 12300 : mm3, CRP at 96 mg /L, ESR at 107 mm (1st hour)
Patient Data

The right fallopian tube is distended and tortuous with fluid content of intermediate signal on T1WI, high signal on T2WI with rim enhancement on post-contrast sequences. DWI shows a high signal with corresponding low ADC, indicating a diffusion restriction. There is minimal peritoneal fluid in the pouch of Douglas.
Case Discussion
This case demonstrates the MRI features of pyosalpinx.
It should be differentiated from a simple hydrosalpinx by the presence of:
- a thickened enhancing fallopian tube wall
- surrounding inflammatory changes
- restricted diffusion within the fallopian tube on DWI/ADC
The treatment is surgical.