Radial collateral ligament injury - ring finger

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis probable


Trauma - ring finger proximal interphalangeal joint swelling and immobility.

Patient Data

Age: 30
Gender: Female

Mild thickening of the mid-substance of the radial collateral ligament with a complete avulsion of its proximal attachment site is seen. Adjacent soft tissue oedema indicates that this injury is acute.

Proximal interphalangeal joint sesamoiditis of the ring finger is noted.

Bone marrow oedema is seen at the head of the ring finger proximal phalanx.

Case Discussion

This patient was referred with the history of ring finger proximal interphalangeal joint swelling and immobility following trauma. Regarding the clinical exam and MRI findings, tearing of the radial collateral ligament was diagnosed.

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