Radial head fracture

Case contributed by Hazem M Almasarei
Diagnosis certain


Left elbow pain, since 5 weeks after falling down during playing football.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

There is evidence of faintly seen discontinuity and cortical step-off (red arrow) involving the lateral aspect of the radial head, and impaction line or sclerotic band (blue arrow) involving the neck of the radius representing radial head fracture.

According to Mason classification of radial head fractures representing type I.


The provided MRI sequences revealed an abnormal hypointense irregular line on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images and STIR sequences, involving the neck of the radius, Features are going with radial head fracture and minimal impaction, associated with diffuse bone marrow oedema.

Case Discussion

The radial head fracture should be assessed carefully to avoid missing subtle fractures.

In general, for looking after fractures, it advised following these instructions on radiographs:

  • sometimes one view is not enough to detect a fracture, so ask for another view

  • magnification of the images is recommended and follows the cortex as well

  • direct signs of fracture like break of discontinuity of the cortex, cortical step-off, bony fragment and impaction line or sclerotic band

  • indirect signs of fracture like a displaced fat pad, joint effusion and soft tissue swelling should also be assessed

Co-author: Ahmed Mostafa Hassan Wahdan MD, Radiologist

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