Hormonal disturbance.
Patient Data

Left suprasellar small cystic lesion. It elicits isointense signal onT1 WI and high signal onT2 WI with no significant post contrast enhancement. It's smoothly abutting the pituitary stalk medially and the pituitary gland inferiorly as well as the optic chiasm superiorly. It measures 7 x 6mm along its max TS and CC dimensions.
Radiological findings are suggestive of Rathke's cleft cyst.
Case Discussion
The case shows a small suprasellar cyst eliciting an isointense signal on T1 and high signal on T2 WI with no significant post contrast enhancement, suggestive of Rathke's cleft cyst.
During the course of a year, the lesion appeared stable on repeated follow-up MRI studies.