History of surgical aspiration of sellar cyst. Under follow-up.
Patient Data

A well defined bilocular sellar cystic lesion with a suprasellar compnenet displacing the optic chiasm superiorly. It elicits CSF like signal being of low T high T2 signal and demonstrates a thin rim of enhancement, which is more bulky posteriorly presumably corresponding to a posteriorly displaced normal pituitary gland. No cavernous sinus invasion.
Case Discussion
The patient had a history of Rathke cleft cyst with surgical aspiration. On follow-up MRI of the sella, there's a recurrent sellar/supracellar Rathke cleft cyst.
RCCs frequently come back, with recurrence rates reaching 33%. This is attributable to the fact that the most common and secure surgical method involves draining the cyst's contents while only partially removing or fenestrating the cyst's paper-thin wall and leaving the source of any potentially re-accumulating secretions in place. .1