Rectal adenocarcinoma

Case contributed by Yari Anahi Ramos
Diagnosis certain


Rectal bleeding and fecal incontinence.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

Irregular wall thickening in the middle and lower rectum with infiltration to mesorectum and the levator ani muscle, associated with perirectal and internal iliac adenopathies due to known adenocarcinoma. A right renal lesion with characteristics suggestive of clear cell carcinoma as a synchronous tumor.


Confirmed with histopathological study.

Rectal tumor biopsy

  • Conventional type invasive adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated.

Case Discussion

The presence of two primary cancers in the body is a rare event.

The existence of asymptomatic renal tumors has been portrayed in up to a 4% of colorectal cancer presenting in most cases as an imaging finding in the preoperative study.

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