Rectus abdominis muscle tear

Case contributed by Angel Romero Domínguez
Diagnosis certain


Volleyball player, acute onset abdominal pain during training one month ago.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Transverse sonograms below umbilical level. Left rectus abdominal muscle is enlarged. There is a disruption of the fibrillar pattern within the muscle, without adjacent haematoma or tear of the rectus sheath.

Colour Doppler depicts vascularity. 

Case Discussion

Ultrasound was performed due to the persistence of pain despite conservative treatment. Abdominal wall injury was never initially suspected.

The findings correspond to a subacute rectus abdominis muscle tear. 

Left rectus abdominal muscle enlargement is due to hypertrophy of the side contralateral to the dominant arm compared with the ipsilateral muscle 1,2.

Colour Doppler shows vascularity due to healing phase of muscle injury 2.

Rectus abdominis injuries are sustained during the practice of throwing or batting sports like handball, tennis and volleyball 1.

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