Increasing abdominal swelling and pain on 2nd post-operative day of an elective caesarean section.
Patient Data

Ultrasound of the abdomen shows a large mixed echogenic area in the intramuscular planes of anterior abdominal wall muscles suggestive of haematoma.
Uterus is of postpartum size.
Dilated gut loops and haemoperitoneum are also present.

CT shows intramuscular anterior abdominal wall haematoma on left side with postpartum size uterus, air foci within abdominal wall (postoperative), dilated bowel loops suggestive of postoperative paralytic ileus and high density ascites suggestive of haemoperitoneum. Also note mild left pleural effusion.
Case Discussion
Based on history and imaging, diagnosis of rectus sheath haematoma with paralytic ileus and haemoperitoneum was made.