Right sided body weakness for 3 days with background of chronic smoker.
Patient Data

Ill defined hypodensities at the left corona radiata, anterior limb of left internal capsule, head of left caudate nucleus and left globus pallidus.
No acute intracranial bleed.
No midline shift or hydrocephalus.

Annotate image showed acute infarction at the left recurrent artery of Heubner territory (head of caudate nucleus, anterior limb of left internal capsule and left lentiform nucleus).
Case Discussion
Acute infarction at the location which is typically supplied by the left recurrent artery of Heubner. It is the largest perforating branch from proximal anterior cerebral artery (A1 or A2). It usually supplies the head of caudate nucleus, anterior limb of internal capsule and the anterior portion of lentiform nucleus.