Renal abscess

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis certain


Middle aged fever with fever and abdominal pain diagnosed with a prior ultrasound suggestive of a renal abscess.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Thick-walled enhancing cystic mass in the mid pole of the right kidney.

Right perinephric inflammatory change and thickening of Gerota's fascia.

Case Discussion

Renal abscesses usually form following pyelonephritis. Immuno-suppressed patients are most susceptible, particularly those with diabetes mellitus.

Small abscesses may be treated with antibiotics only. Larger abscesses are typically treated with an image-guided percutaneous drain insertion, as in this case.

Successful resolution was achieved in 36 hours following ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage.

It should be noted that the Bosniak classification is not indicated in renal lesions with inflammatory, infectious, or vascular aetiology.

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