History of dyslipidaemia presented with sudden syncopal event after dinner and right lower quadrant flank pain. Admits nausea and vomiting. Patient became unresponsive in CT.
Patient Data

IV contrast-enhanced CT image through the abdomen shows an 8.7 x 6.5 x 6.9 cm predominantly fat attenuated exophytic mass arising from the lower pole right kidney. There is severe perinephric and retroperitoneal hyperdense fluid adjacent to this finding.

Digital subtraction angiography cine clip taken in a coronal plane of right kidney demonstrates a hypervascular mass off the inferior pole of the right kidney with dilated blood vessels and small focal outpouchings consistent with small aneurysms.

IV contrast-enhanced CT image through the abdomen shows a 6.6 x 6.4 x 6.0 cm exophytic mass arising from the lower pole which is mostly fat density. There is also internal calcification and soft tissue density. Haemorrhage seen on prior CT has resolved.
Case Discussion
Initial CT demonstrated an exophytic right renal mass with attenuation <-10 Hounsfield units consistent with angiomyolipoma. The mass had internal calcifications present which are rarely seen in angiomyolipoma 1. There was a significant amount of surrounding haemorrhage suggestive of an actively bleeding angiomyolipoma (Wunderlich syndrome) 1. Subsequent angiography demonstrated a hypervascular mass. The patient was successfully treated with embolisation of the vessels supplying the tumour with ethanol/lipiodol.
Co-authors: Rebecca Kish, MD, Christopher Stark, MD, Christine Cooley, MD