Retrocardiac pneumonia

Case contributed by Mark Pringle
Diagnosis certain


Fever and cough

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

The left hemidiaphragm is not visualised in keeping with retrocardiac (left lower lobe) consolidation. The left heart border is visualised normally. The right lung appears clear.


Dense consolidation of the left lower lobe, with an effusion at the left apex.

The sagittal view shows how the consolidation abuts the posterior aspect of the heart and diaphragm, causing the silhouette sign.

Case Discussion

This radiograph nicely illustrates the silhouette sign. The left hemidiaphragm is not visualised, whereas the left heart border is normal - this localises the pathology to the left lower lobe.

At first glance, retrocardiac consolidation can be difficult to visualise and therefore it is an important review area.

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