Retropharyngeal abscess

Case contributed by RMH Core Conditions
Diagnosis certain


Staph. aureus sepsis and bacteremia. Pain on swallowing.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

Retropharyngeal/prevertebral gas-fluid collection measuring 1.6 x 1.5 cm along a length of 7 cm from C5 to T2. It lies to the left of the esophagus, mildly compressing it and displacing it to the right. The known C5-6 discitis is better seen on MRI (not included here - suboptimal image quality).

Borderline prominent right paratracheal lymph nodes.

Acknowledgement: Dr Elaine Lui.

Case Discussion

The cause in this case was associated with C5/6 discitis/epidural abscess and the patient went on to have an drainage and ACDF performed by the neurosurgeons. 

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