Twisted her left ankle and fell. Suspected rupture of achilles tendon.
Patient Data

The Achilles tendon was examined on both sides, from the calcaneal insertion to the myotendinous junction.
The right Achilles tendon shows normal thickness, echogenicity and course, except for calcification at its insertion. No fluid demonstrated in the retrocalcaneal bursa. Kager fat pad shows normal thickness and echogenicity.
The left Achilles tendon is ruptured several centimeters proximal to the calcaneal insertion, with mild retraction of the torn ends, forming a gap of 6-7 mm. There are acoustic shadows at both ends of the gap, resulting from the torn ends. The myotendinous junction and the calcaneal insertion are preserved. No fluid demonstrated in the retrocalcaneal bursa. Kager fat pad shows normal thickness and echogenicity.