Incidental finding during work-up for abdominal pain and cramping.
Patient Data

Incidental ossification of bilateral sacrospinous ligaments.
There is mild faecal loading.
There is L4/L5 degenerative change.
Case Discussion
Ossified sacrospinous ligaments extend from the ischial spines (apical attachment) to the anterior/anterolateral sacrum and coccyx (basal attachment).
Together with the sacrotuberous ligaments, they are important pelvis stabilisers and prevent excessive pelvic twisting or tilting.
Clinical relevance1.2.3:
ossified sacrotuberous ligaments can cause proximal sciatic nerve compression
tight sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments can cause pudendal nerve entrapment (type II)
in pelvic organ prolapse, the sacrospinous ligaments act an anchor for surgical fixation of the prolapsed organs