Saddle pulmonary embolism

Case contributed by Amr El-Talla
Diagnosis certain


Acute onset chest pain and hypoxia.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

Large intra-luminal filling defect (saddle thrombus) straddles the pulmonary artery bifurcation and extends into the main pulmonary arteries and through segmental and subsegmental branches of the upper and lower pulmonary lobar arteries in the bilateral lungs

Case Discussion

Given this patient's acute chest pain and hypoxia, the differential diagnoses included pulmonary embolism, pnuemothorax, and acute coronary syndrome. This patient's high pretest probability of pulmonary embolism prompted the use of CT pulmonary angiography which would reveal a large thrombo-embolus straddling along the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery with extension into the segmental and subsegmental branches. Saddle pulmonary emboli have the potential to completely obstruct the right and left pulmonary arteries causing right heart strain, haemodynamic instability, and eventually death. Prompt treatment is essential for patients with saddle pulmonary emboli.

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