Left supra-orbital progressive swelling since birth.
Patient Data
Age: 4 months
Gender: Female
From the case:
Scalp haemangioma

A scalp swelling is noted in the left supra-orbital region showing the following :
- ovoid shape with smooth regular walls measuring 1.3 x 2.5 cm
- isointense on T1, mildly hyperintense on T2 and FLAIR
- moderate diffuse almost homogenous post-contrast enhancement
- supplied by dilated branches from supraorbital artery
- drained by scalp veins
- no intra-orbital extension, normal left globe
- normal underlying frontal bone, no intracranial extension
- no diffusion restriction
Mega cisterna magna is noted.
Case Discussion
Left scalp lesion in supra-orbital region with imaging features suggesting infantile haemangioma. Typically it appears as a slowly growing mass lesion with delayed homogeneous post-contrast enhancement.