Infertility for 1 year ago. Recurrent miscarriage for the past 5 years ago.
Patient Data

Hysterosalpingogram demonstrating two uterine cavities, which inclines away from each other, making an angle of 52°.
Dilatation of the right fallopian tube without intraperitoneal spillage of the contrast material, a finding that is consistent with a hydrosalpinx.
Intraperitoneal spillage occurs from the left fallopian tube.
Case Discussion
The patient primarily had a history of recurrent miscarriage, but recently complained of infertility for the past one year.
On HSG, an angle more than 105° between the horns of the endometrial cavity is suggestive of a bicornuate uterus.
An angle of <75° is more consistent with a septate uterus.
Regarding the clinical and imaging findings, a septate uterus complicated by a right-sided hydrosalpinx is the final diagnosis.