Sigmoid volvulus

Case contributed by Antonio Rodrigues de Aguiar Neto
Diagnosis certain


This patient came to the hospital with a five-day history of diarrhoea with mucus and no blood, abdominal pain, and abdominal distension, with progressive worsening.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

Axial and coronal CT images show markedly distended sigmoid colon, located in the anterior part of the abdomen, which twists around its long axis resulting in a volvulus with a beak-shaped transition point. The segments of the twisted loop converge towards a fulcrum point, which appears as a whirl sign in the sigmoid mesocolon located in the lower left part of the abdomen. The colon proximal to the volvulus is not so distended and filled with stool. The rectum is with no gas. 

Impression: These are the typical appearance of large bowel obstruction caused by sigmoid volvulus. 

Case Discussion

Sigmoid volvulus is one relevant cause of large intestine obstruction in adults and a clinically significant cause of abdominal pain 1-5. A delay in recognising this condition can lead to ischaemia of the bowel wall, necrosis, or perforation, which carries a high mortality 1-5. CT is the modality of choice to establish this diagnosis 1-5. Therefore, radiologists should be aware of this disorder because prompt diagnosis is critical to avoid the life-threatening complications of this condition 1-4.

This case demonstrates a classic CT presentation of sigmoid volvulus. The therapeutic management consisted of a successful decompressive colonoscopy, and the patient recovered well after the operation.

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