Sinus pericranii

Case contributed by Manar Alaa El Din osman
Diagnosis almost certain


Scalp swelling since birth

Patient Data

Age: 1 year
Gender: Female

A midline high parietal subcutaneous soft tissue lesion is seen. It elicits faint bright T2/FLAIR and low T1 signals. This lesion shows internal hypointense signal and linear vascular signal voids on T2-weighted images.



On MRV: multiple venous channels are seen within the lesion on MR venography images, and small linear intra-cranial vessels are seen extending into the soft tissue lesion through the calvarium near the superior sagittal sinus.

MRA study: normal circle of Willis. However, the region of interest was not within the collimation of MR angiogram.

Case Discussion

Sinus pericranii is a vascular anomaly in which there is a transcranial communication between the intracranial venous sinuses and the extra-cranial venous system.

It usually presents as a soft, compressible, palpable mass that results from venous return through the abnormal communicating venous channels to the extra-cranial periosteum.

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