This case comprises a set of illustrations of the skull and constituent bones. Each bone is shown in a variety of orientations, and when appropriate parts of the skull are rendered as transparent to allow the internal relations to be seen.
The ethmoid bone has a smooth orbital surface, a large convoluted nasal portion and a fairly small intracranial surface.
nasal concha (middle, superior (difficult to see))
foramen caecum: small notch, converted into foramen, emissary vein from nose
frontal crest: ridge, formed from edges of sulcus that gives attachment to the falx cerebri
lacrimal fossa: lateral shallow depression for lacrimal gland
supraorbital notch/foramen: contains the supraorbital nerve and vessels
supratrochlear notch/foramen: contains the supratrochlear nerve and vessels
The left maxilla, zygomatic bone and palatine bone have been made transparent to allow the paired inferior nasal conchae to be seen.
The lacrimal bone forms the anteromedial surface of the orbit.
The temporal bone consists for 4 main parts:
anterior border (ethmoidal)
inferior border (palatine)
superior border (sphenoidal)
The zygomatic bone forms the inferolateral orbital margin and malar eminence.
Case Discussion
These illustrations were created using a 3D model created from a CT scan (object file here), adapted and rendered in Blender.