Six hour onset of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Patient Data

Cardiomegaly with coronary artery calcifications.
Small hiatal hernia. Lung bases are clear.
Liver with slightly lobulated contour can suggest underlying cirrhotic changes. No radiopaque gallstones.
The spleen is with splenic granuloma. The pancreas is unremarkable. The stomach has a fluid level. There is bilateral renal atrophy.
Diffuse small bowel distension with transition point in the mid abdomen. No free air or fluid.
Degenerative changes seen in the lumbar spine.
Partial small bowel obstruction. Transition point in the mid abdomen.
Case Discussion
This represents a case of partial small bowel obstruction. A nasogastric tube was placed for decompression. Intravenous fluids and pain medication were also given. The patient was discharged four days after admission.