SMART syndrome

Case contributed by Hwee Fang Lim
Diagnosis almost certain


Recurrent seizures at home, not coping. Worsening left sided weakness. Background of previous right frontal brain tumour (meningioma) treated with surgery and radiotherapy.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Previous right frontal craniotomy, encephalomalacia, and established gliosis in the right frontal lobe, milder gliosis in the left frontal lobe. Dilated ventricles, most prominently the frontal horns and bodies of the lateral ventricles.

No acute findings.


Contiguous enhancement of the right frontal and insular cortex.

Minor changes on DWI relate to T2 shine-through, with no abnormal ADC values.

No abnormal enhancement within the resection cavity (so no residual or recurrent tumour).

Multiple SWI abnormalities compatible with microbleeds, and some cavernomas also evident on T2W sequences.

Case Discussion

The patient underwent resection and radiotherapy (RT) for a meningioma 15 years prior to this presentation. There is evidence of long term post-RT effects with diffuse white matter change, volume loss and microbleeds/cavernomas. This acute presentation with headaches, stroke-like symptoms and contiguous cortical enhancement is a recognised phenomenon called SMART syndrome (Stroke-like Migraine attacks After Radiation Therapy).

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