Soft tissue uptake on bone scan - muscle tear

Case contributed by Kevin Banks
Diagnosis almost certain


Right thigh pain.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Radiographs of the right femur are normal.

Tc-99m MDP bone scintigraphy

Nuclear medicine

Anterior and posterior views from a lower body bone scan (single delayed phase) performed using 25 mCi of Tc-99m MDP IV.

There is an ill-defined focus of intense radiotracer accumulation in the posterior-medial soft tissues of the right thigh.

No evidence of bone stress injury or other significant osseous abnormality is present.

Axial T2 fat sat images show a intrasubstance tear of the semitendinosus muscle with surrounding soft tissue oedema.

Small amounts of additional oedema is present in the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, adductor magnus and adductor brevis muscles represent muscle strains.

Coronal STIR shows similar findings of multiple muscle injurys, most severely affecting the semitendinosus muscle.

Coronal T1 images demonstrates subtle increased T1 signal in the semitendinosus muscle injury consistent with a component of haemorrhage.

Case Discussion

When muscle damage occurs, the subsequent inflammation, oedema and/or haemorrhage often leads to soft tissue deposition of bone imaging radiotracers. Tc-99m MDP and other bisphosphonates localise within the site of soft tissue injury, depending on the increased blood flow (hyperaemia) and the amount of iron and calcium present.

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