Known diagnosis of Sotos syndrome. Left-sided strabismus.
Patient Data

Dilated lateral ventricles, left more than right.
Sulci deep for patient's age.
Small hypodense focus in left frontal white matter - lacunar infarct in corona radiata?
Coarse ossification in anteriormost part of falx.
Overdeveloped frontal sinus with prominent forehead.
Persistent metopic suture.
Steeply angled mandible with protrusions from mandibular angles and mental protuberance.
Correction of thoracic scoliosis seen at inferior part of scan (see sagittal reformation).
Case Discussion
Previously diagnosed Sotos syndrome. Underwent CT head and CTA brain (not shown) to rule out intracranial aneurysms. The only notable finding on the CTA was a narrow left ICA.