Spinal dural and leptomeningeal metastases

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis certain


A known case of breast cancer from 5 years ago, referred with headache, nausea, vomiting, lower back pain, radicular limb pain, and sensory abnormalities.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Extensive leptomeningeal enhancement is observed in the cervicothoracic cord and conus, accompanied by numerous multilevel nodular enhancing foci along the cord and nerve roots of the cauda equina.

Additionally, there is diffuse dural enhancement.

Widespread reduction in the usual signal intensity of the bone marrow is noted throughout the vertebral bodies.

L3 vertebra depicts a loss of body height along with mid to posterior body. However, the overall vertebral body height is maintained, and there is no evidence of fracture.

Case Discussion

This case illustrates typical appearances of very extensive leptomeningeal and dural spinal metastatic disease in a known case of breast cancer. 

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