Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula
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Oedema in the conus and lower cord with serpinginous flow voids in the surrounding CSF.
The rest of the cord is of normal signal. No other central canal stenosis.
Mild degenerative disc disease noted in the cervical spine with disc bulges indenting the anterior CSF space.
Vertebral bodies are of normal height and alignment.
Several small T1, T2 hyperintense foci in multiple vertebral bodies in line with hemangiomas.
Moderate-severe central canal stenosis at L4/L5 due to a combination of posterior disc bulge, laxity of ligament flavum and hypertrophic facets.
T7/T8 posterior disc bulge indenting the thecal sac.
Updates to Case Attributes
This patient's symptoms are fitting with those described in those with a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula. This occurs from the cord oedema that results from venous hypertension and venous congestion of the cord with oedema.
The patient was referred to a tertiary centre for further management.
-<p>This patient's symptoms are fitting with those described in those with a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula. This occurs from the cord oedema that results from venous hypertension and venous congestion of the cord with oedema.</p><p>The patient was referred to a tertiary centre for further management.</p><p> </p><p> </p>- +<p>This patient's symptoms are fitting with those described in those with a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula. This occurs from the cord oedema that results from venous hypertension and venous congestion of the cord with oedema.</p><p>The patient was referred to a tertiary centre for further management.</p><p> </p>