Spinal leptomeningeal metastases

Case contributed by Frank Gaillard
Diagnosis certain


Patchy lower limb weakness and sensory changes. Long-standing illness.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

Abnormal pial enhancement of the conus, with numerous multilevel nodular enhancing foci along the nerve roots of the cauda equina. There is also diffuse dural enhancement, particularly posteriorly.  

Extensive enhancing metastases seen throughout the lumbar vertebral bodies and sacrum. Vertebral body height is maintained, without fracture.

Hepatic metastases noted.

Annotated image

Multiple enhancing nodules are scattered along the cauda equina (blue arrows) with extensive leptomeningeal enhancement of the conus (yellow arrows). Numerous liver metastases ( * ) are most easily seen on T2 weighted images, as well as very extensive bony metastatic disease. 

Case Discussion

This case illustrates typical appearances of very extensive leptomeningeal spinal metastatic disease, with extensive systemic disease. 

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