Split biceps brachii tendon and Buford complex

Case contributed by Chris O'Donnell
Diagnosis certain


Chronic pain in the right shoulder with possible impingement

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female
  • Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

Longitudonal split-type tear of the long head of biceps tendon up to the glenoid attachment associated with a tear of the subscapularis tendon and a typical Buford complex, i.e. deficiency of the anterior glenoid labrum and substituted by an enlarged middle gleno-humeral ligament. The superior labrum is also abnormal with increased T2 signal.

Case Discussion

As well as rupture of the biceps brachii tendon, longitudinal splits of the tendon are well recognised albeit not common.

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