Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina

Case contributed by Eva-Marie Heursen
Diagnosis certain


Exophytic perineal mass lesion.

Patient Data

Age: 90 years
Gender: Female

There is a rounded lobulated T2 intermediate, T1 isointense to muscle lesion in contact with the vagina. The lesion is associated with uterine prolapse and a large cystocele.

The lesion shows a mild restriction on diffusion-weighted imaging.

No pathologic lymph nodes are seen.


Nuclear medicine

The lesion is avidly enhanced on PET-CT.


Infiltrative squamous cell carcinoma of condylomatous type (warty) of the cervix or vagina, not HPV-related (no P16 overexpression).

Case Discussion

This case shows a squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina with a fungating pattern, which can be seen in about 30% of cases. The other possible forms are ulcerating (50%) and annular constricting (20%).

The prognosis for an exophytic lesion such as in the current case is better than for infiltrative disease.

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