History of fall on the ground one week ago. Right thumb base pain and swelling.
Patient Data
Absent ulnar collateral ligament at its normal location with a hypoechoic pseudomass over the metacarpal head. Interposition of the adductor pollicis aponeurosis between the ulnar collateral ligament and the MCP joint. Widening of the MCP joint space with stress view. Normal radial collateral ligament of the MCP joint.
Normal ulnar collateral ligament of the asymptomatic contralateral MCP joint.
Intraoperative photos show a stener lesion. The first IITV image photo shows the MCP joint opening with stress. The second photo shows guide wire placement. The ligament was repositioned deep to the aponeurosis and fixed with an anchor. The last two photos show the anchor position.
Case Discussion
The case shows a Stener lesion which was treated surgically.
Intraoperative photos courtesy: operating surgeon Dr. Nisarg A. Patel