Stercoral colitis

Case contributed by Al Adan Radiology Department
Diagnosis almost certain


An elderly female patient (often bedbound) complained of non-specific abdominal symptoms, including chronic constipation, overflow diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

CT abdomen and pelvis.



Distended rectum by a mass of impacted faecal matter (a faecaloma) with asymmetric circumferential wall thickening measuring about 7 mm, mucosal discontinuity and perirectal fatty stranding suggestive of stercoral colitis for clinical correlation. Within normal limits the rest visualised bowel loops.

Normal appearance of liver, GB, CBD, pancreas, spleen, adrenals,  kidneys and urinary bladder.

Average size uterus with a well defined heterogeneous fatty component lesion seen in the anterior fundal wall measuring 12x17 mm uterine lipoleiomyoma more likely diagnoses rather than a uterine lipoma.

No significant lymphadenopathy is detected.

No free fluid/air or localised collection is detected.

Atherosclerotic changes of the abdominal aorta.

Both lung bases are clear.

The visualised parts of the bones show no evidence of destructive lesion .lumbar spondylosis.


CT found the presence of impacted faecal matter in the lumen of the distended rectal colonic segment associated with inflammation, keeping with stercoral colitis for clinical correlation and further assessment accordingly.

Other findings as mentioned above.

Case Discussion

This patient presented with typical presentations with a history of bed-bound, non-specific abdominal pain, chronic constipation, overflow diarrhoea and is used to enema to dis-impaction. CT showed typical radiological findings of large faecaloma with stercoral colitis. The patient was medically managed without further complications. A serious uncommon complication is related to faecaloma is stercoral perforation and faecal peritonitis. 

Case courtesy: Dr Sameh Salah and Dr Safwat Almoghazi

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