Pain left ankle. No history of trauma.
Patient Data

Essentially normal study. No fractures or periosteal reaction. Normal joint space.

A prominent horizontal sclerotic band passes through the distal tibia with florid periosteal reaction. Small cortical step in the posterior tibia with a horizontal lucency extending approximately two-thirds through the medullary cavity in keeping with an incomplete fracture.

Increased blood flow is seen on dynamic images, with corresponding increased activity on blood pool and delayed phases. Increased activity is also seen on the right in the midfoot.

Distal tibial bone marrow edema surrounding a posteromedial incomplete fracture with adjacent periosteal reaction.
Case Discussion
These are typical appearances of a distal tibial stress injury with an incomplete fracture. The increased uptake on the bone scan in the right midfoot is non-specific and could represent osteoarthritis or a second stress reaction.